I attended a 10 days meditation course at the Vipassana Center in Switzerland in November 2018. This was my first event of the sort. I dabbled in meditation with the Headspace app for the past 18 months but never made it past the 10mn a day mark.
I had a paragliding accident in May this year which lead me to spend 3 weeks at the hospital and with multiple surgeries on my foot and then shoulder. Attending a Vipassana retreat had been on the yearly to do list for 2018 but the accident compelled me to sign up as I felt I could really benefit from a tool to calm my mind and help me be less attached.
What is Vipassana?
Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of India’s most ancient techniques of meditation. It was rediscovered by Gotama Buddha more than 2500 years ago. It was taught by him as a technique aiming for the total eradication of mental impurities and the resultant highest happiness of full liberation. According to its practitioners, it can end all suffering.
Let that sink in… End. All. Suffering. If it’s not a fantastic promise, I don’t know what is!
Many centers across the world now teach this technique, often using recordings of S. N. Goenka to guide meditators combined with the support of teachers. New students…